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Our Most Common Question: Do I have to Follow Your Diet and Eating Plan To Be Successful on Lean Bod

There isn't a day that goes by that we don't receive the question... "Do I have to follow your Lean Body Canada diet and eating plan to lose weight with Lean Body Canada Weight Loss Solution?". The answer is definitely NOT. The supplements work well whether you follow our recommended eating plan and recipes or not. You can expect to lose your hunger and cravings, have an increased metabolism of fat, feel more clean and energized and just generally feel better due to the increase in serotonin from taking the supplements.

BUT with that said if you want to lose the maximum amount of weight while you are on the Lean Body Canada diet program then we highly recommend following our diet meal planner and maintenance guide. We created Diet Plan to allow you the optimal fat reduction during the time you are dieting.

Also our goal is to teach you healthy eating habits - What to chose - healthy fats, no whites (flour, sugar and rice), whole grains and lean proteins and - To to have you realize what portion sizes should be! Our plates have gotten bigger and bigger year after year and most people have lost sight of what a healthy portion size is anymore.

So with that said The Lean Body Supplements work whether you follow our healthy suggestions and recipes, or not... but if you do we guarantee you will maximize your fat and inches loss, not to mention all of our recipes are delicious.

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